Energy Sparks
Full Description of Organisation
We help schools become more energy efficient and fight climate change. Energy Sparks is an online, school-specific energy analysis tool & energy education programme.
We all know that it’s important to save energy. Every time we perform the simplest task that uses energy - from switching on a light to turning on the TV – the natural resource used to create that energy is depleted. And once it’s gone, it’s gone. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, which we still depend on to provide much of the world's energy, are a finite resource and will run out sooner than many of us realise.
At the same time as stripping the planet of its natural resources, our energy consumption is also affecting our climate. Each time a fossil fuel is burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, changing the Earth’s natural climate and weather systems. The consequences include flooding, diminishing ice caps, droughts and extreme weather conditions.
Energy Sparks provides extensive support to teachers and eco-teams in learning about energy and climate change within the context of your own school.
Eco-team and curriculum linked energy saving activities.
Energy related lesson plans and downloadable resources.
Support for pupils in designing and carrying out experiments to monitor energy related data and behaviour patterns at school.