3SG welcomes new employee, David!
We're really excited to announce a new addition to our team - David - who joins us as 3SG's new Social Prescribing Project Manager. David joins us on a 12 month contract, as part of an exciting project with The Active Way.
As the 3SG continues to grow and develop our focus, we are excited to be starting a new chapter as a team of 5 whilst continuing to offer support to our members in a variety of ways. David’s official first day was Wednesday, so our Operations and Content Coordinator, Emma, took the opportunity to ask a few questions to find out more about David and his motivations behind joining 3SG.
You can read the full Q&A below:
What are you most looking forward to doing as part of your role?
Working collaboratively with the amazing people in B&NES to create a flexible Social
Prescribing (SP) framework that offers a more person centred and holistic approach.
There is an abundance of SP activities/services within the region and I am excited to
learn more about the offerings and how this can support individuals on their
personalised journeys. I have already met some amazing people (currently day 2), and
it is a privilege to be part of the amazing 3SG team.
Tell us a little bit about yourself
Having lived in Bristol for 5 years from 2018-2023, I moved to Bath in Spring of 2023.
Marshfield was the village I grew up in before attending The University of Manchester
(2009-2013). I was fortunate enough to participate in a year’s exchange programme at
The University of Sydney in 2011/2012. Post University, I lived in London for just over
2 years, before returning to Sydney in 2016. Something was calling me back to the
West Country, and despite my family living in Australia, I returned in 2018.
Lover of the outdoors, with or without the dog (Bronx Black lab pointer-mad). Keen
runner, hiker, cyclist with the occasional triathlon thrown into the mix (swimming isn’t
my strong point). Used to play football for many years during the winter months, and
still play cricket for Marshfield CC (when injury free).
Lover of good food, with the majority of my income spent on food & coffee. Castle
Farm, at the top of Midford Hill being a favourite of mine. Other recommendations
include Oak, The Gallimaufry (Bristol), Noya’s Kitchen, The Mint Rooms, Watchhouse
& Society.
What interested you about working for 3SG? Have you had any previous
involvement/experience with Third Sector organisations?
Having spent the last several years working for local authorities, I am looking forward
to working as part of a smaller team. Furthermore, I am excited to be spending more
time working with providers on a daily basis, and having more interface with people
accessing services.
I worked as a project manager for Second Step (Bristol MH charity). I was fortunate to
work with Golden Key (GK), Big Fulfilling Lives Scheme, which was an amazing
programme supporting those with Multi Complex needs. I also worked on the
Changing Futures Bid, with Bristol being awarded additional funding post the GK
For the last few Christmases (excl. 2023) I have volunteered at Caring in Bristol for
their Christmas project. It is an amazing charity with a large volunteer network. This
project brings people from all walks of life together, and it is an amazing experience.
Tell Us a Fun Fact About Yourself?
Completed a sky dive (over The Remarkables, Queenstown) and a marathon
(Christchurch) within a 24hour period. I restrained from telling my parents beforehand
(skydive), as the anxiety they would have had, would have far exceeded my own.
Running a marathon in Christchurch, and in a cotton T-shirt is not advised.
David is keen to get out and about and stuck into his new role, and is launching this project with an initial mapping exercise, for which we kindly request your input via this short survey.
The project will collaboratively develop a Social Prescribing (SP) framework & wider vision for SP within B&NES. Initially, the project team will engage with key stakeholders to understand the amazing SP work currently being delivered. The initial mapping exercise will also look at any gaps or duplication in service provision.
Another key aspect of the project is to understand the referral process in more detail. In addition, the project will be aligned to key priorities such as the theme of prevention. If you do have any further questions or would like to get in contact with David about anything Social Prescribing related, please email david@3sg.org.uk or call 01225 683087.