The Rotork Community Challenge is back!
For the past 10 years the University of Bath’s School of Management faculty have partnered with the University of Bath’s Student Union Volunteer Department with the aim of encouraging small teams of students to volunteer their time and/or skills in October and November to add value to local charitable organisations.
They are now looking for a set of ‘challenges’ that will allow up to 16 teams, each of which will consist of about 7 students, to get involved with. They are looking for 16 charities to get involved.
If your charity has a project that a team of 7 students could help with and deliver between October and December, get in touch!
The majority of students involved in this scheme are international and will be put into teams of other students that they have probably not met before. Therefore, part of their challenge may well include language and cultural barriers, as well as the short time given to deliver the project, but they usually really embrace the opportunity and will go above and beyond the brief to deliver a successful event. However, your time will be needed to support them as this is a learning experience for these students and things may go wrong but it’s how they then deal with these problems that is a key learning curve for them. Your project will be helping them to develop their teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership skills to name but a few!
The projects will be launched to students the week beginning 10th of October and the students then choose which challenge they would like to deliver. If we receive more than 16 challenges, then we will be shortlisting to achieve this number. Therefore, some challenges will not get selected to go through to the final round. However, we do have other groups of students who might then want to take up some of these projects at a later date. The student group’s then deliver their results as part of a presentation evening during the week beginning the 5th of December and the charities will be invited to attend this event, where an overall winner will be announced!
Deadline to apply - August 25th. For more information email volunteers@bath.ac.uk