Trustees' Week is an annual celebration of trusteeship. During this week, 6 - 10th November 2023, we take time to champion and thank our trustees for all their amazing contributions, as well as promoting the support and resources available to help prospective, new and longstanding trustees in their development.
This year's theme is ‘Many voices. Working Together. With Purpose', which aims to shine a light on the variety of unique perspectives that Trustees bring to their boards, the strength of diversity, and the ways Trustees make our charities more sustainable.
Over the course of the week, there are lots of free webinars, training and events happening to mark the annual celebration. Take advantage of all that's on offer by signing up to some of the below:
3SG Trustees' Week: Open Conversation assessing Challenges and Opportunities Tuesday 7th November, 11:00 - 11:45am
Getting on Board have organised a week-long programme of insightful online events which they say will "help you consider, become and be brilliant and effective trustees."
The weekly pass to access all 20 events is only £25, or you can register for sessions individually. The four themes of these sessions are: Thought Leadership; Aspiring Trustees; Good Governance; and Trustee Recruitment.
NCVO Webinars NCVO are hosting a series of four lunchtime events looking at how trustees can use positive environmental, social and governance action (ESG) to lead their charities into the future. These include:
- How decision makers can lead on climate action Monday 6th November, 12 - 1pm
- Why diverse boards make more impactful decisions Wednesday 8th November, 12 - 1pm
- Volunteers leading volunteers Thursday 9th November, 12 - 1pm
- What do trustees across the country feel about leading climate action? Friday 10th November, 12 - 1pm
Third Sector Lab
- Digital Trustees Matchmaking Event x Trustee Week Monday 6th November, 10:00 - 11:30am
Wales Council for Voluntary Action
- Trustees' Week Seminar: Managing internal trustee differences positively Tuesday 7th November, 11:00 - 12:00
- Trustees' Week Webinar: Charity governance round-up Thursday 9th November, 2:00 - 3:00pm
Young Trustees Movement - Young Trustees Movement Champion Training Tuesday 7th November, 12:00 - 1:00pm
Burton Sweet
- Trustees' Week Reception Wednesday 8th November, 5:00 - 6:30pm at St George’s Bristol – Glass Studio
Related events and opportunities taking place outside of Trustees' Week:
- Cranfield Trust: Charity Contact Days - Free telephone appointments available between November 13th - 17th, offering access to expert help, advice and guidance on a range of topics.
- The Directory of Social Change: Duties of a Trustee - Online course, Tuesday 14th November*
- The Directory of Social Change: Talking Trustee-ing, Thursday 7th December
- Cause4: Emerging Chairs Programme Wednesday 29th November*
- Stone King Charity Training: The essential trustee and governance in practice Thursday 16th November
- Getting on Board: What is a trustee and how do I become one? Wednesday 6th December
- 3SG's Leaders' Network - Subscribe to updates on our Leaders' Network, which meets regularly and is designed for those in leadership roles in the local Third Sector, including trustees.
*Fee applies
Blogs, articles and resources:
At 3SG, we know that recruiting trustees can be challenging, so we also host a dedicated Trustee section of our Third Sector jobs page on our website. 3SG member organisations can advertise here for just £20, which includes promotion across our social media and newsletters too. Non-members can advertise for £60. Click here to upload your Trustee vacancy, or email contact@3sg.org.uk
If there's anything you'd like to see us offer regarding support for Trustees and Trusteeship, please don't hesitate to get in touch via contact@3sg.org.uk