Networks in the BaNES Area
3SG Networks
Ageing Well Network
Organisations working with older people coming together to help shape the future of Ageing Well in BaNES.
Bath Social Impact Network
Brings together like-minded groups and individuals to improve and grow the social economy in BaNES.
Fundraising & Comms Network
A network for individuals in fundraising and communications to provide opportunities to share knowledge, learn and collaborate.
Leaders' Network
A space for CEO's, Trustees, Senior Managers and other Third Sector leaders to connect, learn, share knowledge and support one another.
Social Economy West
A project to enable third sector organisations, social enterprises and co-operatives to achieve both sustainability and greater resilience in this economic climate.
Get regular updates for a specific network by signing up here.

We have several 3SG Networks that provide opportunities for organisations and individuals in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) to connect, share resources and collaborate. Find out more about our networks below.
We’ve also outlined a range of local external networks aimed at Third Sector organisations, scroll directly here.
External Networks
A broad multi-agency, strategic group that has led work to address food insecurity in B&NES since early 2020
B&NES Fair Food Alliance
A Black-led infrastructure organisation, working for race equality across the South West.
Black South West Network
Aims to raise the profile of the sector in delivering and sustaining services for children and young people in B&NES
Children & Young People's Network
Led by B&NES Council, this is an opportunity for voluntary and community organisations and service providers to exchange information, promote projects or events and improve partnerships.
Interagency Meetings
A practice network for Green Care, Nature Health and Wellbeing, Eco Therapy and other nature based approaches.
Nature & Health Practice Network
A strategic green infrastructure project led by B&NES Council, Wessex Water, B&NES Public Health and Natural England.
Somer Valley Rediscovered
A community in Bath, Bristol and the South-West driving support for technology for good through bringing people together, sharing knowledge and ideas.
Tech4good South West
The Twerton & Whiteway Community Network is made up of local residents, groups and organisations.
Twerton and Whiteway Community Network

The purpose of the Vocational Advice Network (VAN) is to bring together a wide range of local agencies and professionals to support each other in delivering employment and mental health focussed services to people within B&NES. We meet every 6 weeks at Bath City Farm with an option to join in online. For more information and to be added to the invite list please email: amy@bathcityfarm.org.uk
Vocational Advice Network
We appreciate this list of local external networks is constantly evolving, so please let us know if a network is missing or needs updating.