Round 2 of our Bath Spa Works: Internships is now open!
Whether you’re looking to grow your organisation or if you have a project that you need support on, by taking part in Bath Spa Works: Internships, you have an opportunity to advertise an exclusive internship and recruit a Bath Spa University student for a period of 120 hours (equivalent to three weeks).
From working with micro businesses and SMEs, to supporting the growth of charities, social enterprise, or a CIC, these internships not only support local businesses but also offer students the chance to develop their key skills, experience and employability.
This year Bath Spa University is offering part - funded internships where you will have an opportunity to select one of their students for:
120 hours - funding contribution of £1,000
You will then be required to make up the remaining amount to ensure the student is paid the national minimum wage. The student will need to be added to your payroll and paid directly.
Employability Award (limited)
This year, Bath Spa University is also able to offer a number of Employability Awards for 120 hours internships where the organisation meets the eligibility criteria. This eligibility criteria has been developed to support local small business and charities to access Bath Spa University's student talent where ordinarily, they may be unable to resource or fund this.
Although these internships are not required to be paid at national minimum wage, Bath Spa University is able to offer the successful student an Employability Award of £1,250 to go towards their work with you. This Award will be paid directly to the student by the university.
Eligibility will be captured and reviewed upon the submission of your proposal form. The outcome will be communicated to you via email by the Scheme Coordinator or an Employer Relations Advisor.
Interested? Here’s how to get involved:
Step 1: Complete this Employer Proposal form (click here for link) with an outline of your internship details. You must submit a proposal form otherwise you will not be eligible to receive the funding as part of Bath Spa Works: Internships.
IMPORTANT: You must submit an Employer Proposal form to be eligible to receive the funding as part of Bath Spa Works: Internships.
Step 2: Your form will be submitted to the Placements Team to review and approve if deemed appropriate (so please be as clear as possible in your description of the role). It can take up to 5-10 working days for forms to be reviewed.
Step 3: Once your Proposal Form has been reviewed by the Placements Team, Bath Spa University will be in touch with the outcome and next steps. If/when your proposal has been approved, you will receive confirmation from the Placements Team. This confirmation will be sent via email.
Step 4: Your opportunity will go live! This step is completed by the Placements Team, but if approved, you will receive further details on what the next steps are.
NB: Bath Spa University has limited funding so won't be able to accept all proposals. Decisions will be based on the quality of the opportunity for students and the organisation's need.
This second intake of proposals will be open from 8th January 2024 - 17th March 2024. However, proposal closure will be subject to change (early or extended closure) as determined by funding available. Funding is offered on a first come first serve basis and will be available until exhausted.
Please take the time to read over the Bath Spa Works Internships: Employer Handbook here, and for any internships that involve remote working, Bath Spa University also encourages you to take the time to read over this "Guide to working from home for students" from ACAS.