A report was recently commissioned by 3SG to scope the short to medium term legacy of the Compassionate Community and the potential of its wider role within the local health and care system. This report was produced by Sadie Hall, who carried out interviews with key stakeholders from across Bath and North East Somerset. An event was also held last week to bring together individuals and organisations that had been involved with the movement since it's launch in February 2020.
Below you can find a link to the report as well as a summary of the event that took place last week. If you would like to find out more or get involved in this exciting new chapter of Compassionate Community, then please get in touch: contact@compassioncb.org.uk
Compassionate Community Background
The Compassionate Community launched in Feb 2020. The vision was that Bath and North East Somerset would become a Compassionate Community, where people are inspired and supported to look after each other. The mission is to provide an infrastructure that encourages and enables individuals, organisations and networks to work together, with the shared aim of supporting people in need and building strong local communities.
3SG enabled the Compassionate Community to come together before the start of the pandemic. Key partners across Bath and North East Somerset signed up to the Compassionate Community Charter in order to begin to explore what changes might be needed to the way that services were delivered in order to make a bigger difference to the whole community. It could not have been predicted that this would lead to the setup of the Compassionate Communities Hub (now the Community Wellbeing Hub) supporting the community by taking over 8000 calls and mobilising over 2500 volunteers. The Compassionate Community and 3SG and its members have become the key partner with Health, Virgin and the Local Authority and provider of COVID response services to those in need.

The Report - Creating a vision for the Future
3SG and partners have recognised that the Compassionate Community could be a strong foundation for co-production. This will help all partners to build on existing experience and would be a platform to growing further opportunities in the future both within BaNES and potentially across the BSW STP.
3SG now want to:
Better understand the regional picture across BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire health system
Explore the potential of the Compassionate Community to support partnership working and scope a future beyond the current COVID response and joint enterprise of the Wellbeing Hub.
The project is being carried out to explore the future of a Compassionate Community in Bath and North East Somerset.
SOS: Vision for Future - Compassionate Community BaNES
On Tuesday 20th July (2021), 3SG ran the first Compassionate Community in-person event for over a year.
This was an opportunity to shine a light on how the Compassionate Community BaNES responded to the SOS of the COVID Pandemic and how we can all continue to build from this into the future. The international artist, Bruce Munro, kindly provided the perfect setting at Long Knoll, Wiltshire to run the event and be immersed in his stunning new art installation, SOS (see video below).
Click here for more info about the inspiration behind SOS.
Feedback from attendees: "it was lovely to have time and space to chat and get to know people better in such lovely surroundings with such a great display." "Did I just have a mid-summers dream that it all happened! ...Apart from the fantastic light sculptures it felt quite special to be there and for everyone to be recognised."
