UPDATE FROM B&NES COUNCIL 15/05/22: We have just noticed that our provider surveys were not showing the full range of questions contained in the survey itself. Please can I ask you to visit the link again to complete the survey. Your opinion is really important to us and we want to ensure we have captured everyone’s viewpoint as part of this consultation so that we can ensure the right provisions are put in place for disabled children and young people and their families of B&NES to access. The survey should consist of at least 10 questions.
Bath and North East Somerset Council are reviewing the short breaks activities it currently delivers for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND).
The Council are aiming to consult with parent carers, providers and non-providers of short break provision as well as professionals delivering specialist services asking them to share their views on the current short break provision that is on offer.
If you would like to receive any paper copies of the consultation please call 01225 395437.
Children and young people will be asked to consult on short break provision at a later date in September.
When is the consultation taking place?
The consultation will run from 6th June 2022 until 15th July 2022. If you would like to have your say about the activities on offer for Children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disability (SEND) please follow this link on or after 6th June.
The Commissioners (Kay Sibley and Dee Chaddha) who manage the Short Breaks contracts will also being holding two webinars throughout the consultation period. If you would like to find out more about the short break activities and how we plan to commission the activities in the future please join the webinars. Alternatively you can book a time to discuss activities with the commissioner by phoning Kay Sibley on 01225395437 to arrange a time.
There is a webinar planned on 28th June 2022, 6pm-7pm. Commissioners will covering in detail the short break service and re-commission.
Meeting ID: 984 0468 5023 Password: 6xvHddjBv5
Find out more here.