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Creative Wellbeing Courses Jan / March 2021

Writer's picture: Simon PruttonSimon Prutton

Join the local charity, Creativity Works, for some new creative community art sessions either by joining one of their peer led groups or starting a new course in 2021. They look forward to meeting you either online or face to face in our friendly, fun and sociable sessions.

Their aim is to help you stay creative, connected, learning new skills and be inspired by the world around you.

All places need to be booked in advance. Details on how to enrol are pasted below.

They will confirm your place by sending you the meet up details.

Here’s what’s coming up:

Peer led groups:

  1. Get Creative peer led art group - Tuesdays 1.30pm – 3pm - face to face sessions

  2. Writing Space peer led group - Tuesdays 2pm – 3.30pm - online / face to face

  3. Keynsham Snap & Stroll at home Facebook page for residents of Keynsham

New online Zoom projects:

  1. Journaling for Wellbeing, 6 week course - 27th January – 3rd March 10.30am – 12noon

  2. Writing for Wellbeing Taster session - 22nd Feb 2pm – 3.30pm

  3. Writing for Wellbeing, 5 week course - 1st – 29th March, Mondays 2pm – 3.30pm

Who are these projects for?

Residents of Bath & North East Somerset that feel isolated or would like to support their wellbeing and mental health through participating in creativity and developing creative skills.

No previous experience necessary. These are community art groups and there is no specific mental health support within these classes, they are supported either by creative volunteers, artists or Creativity Works staff.

Book in advance:

All groups and projects have limited spaces and places need to be booked in advance – follow the links below. For further information about any of these projects please get in touch with

Philippa Phone: 07715 382 877

or Jaq: Phone: 07921 880056

Peer led Groups

Run by members for the members and usually meet weekly

Get Creative art group - Tuesdays 1.30pm – 3pm

Online sessions via Zoom for January and February

Visiting artist Barbara Disney will be leading creative sessions from 12th Jan – 9th Feb

Come and join Creativity Work's peer led art project with a friendly group of adults that aim to support people who feel socially isolated and want to support their wellbeing and mental health through creativity. They explore different art techniques and new skills.

When they can finally meet (hopefully from March), these will be in the fantastic indoor venue with a large terrace, café and car parking. Join group members and visiting artist Barbara Disney and learn some new skills.

Enrol here for Get Creative art group:

Writing Space - Tuesdays 2pm – 3.30pm

Online sessions and some meet-ups face to face when possible.

Writing Space, a friendly peer led creative writing project for people of all writing skills. Facilitated sessions with opportunities to develop and share your ideas. The group also provides a writing newsletter for anyone that can’t make the sessions. Get in touch if you’d like to receive this or attend the sessions both online and face to face.

Enrol here for Writing Space:

Keynsham Snap & Stroll for residents of Keynsham locality

A fun, inspiring photography group who normally meet face to face. Currently this group share their photographs via a face book page. If you live in Keynsham or close by and you’d like to share your photo’s find them on Facebook: Keynsham Snap & Stroll (at home).

Get in touch for more details about face to face meet ups in the new year.

Online Creative Projects for 2021

Journaling for Wellbeing - 6 week online zoom project

With Multi-Media Artist, Jill Carter

Wednesdays 10.30 am – 12 noon Dates: 27 January, 3, 10, 17 & 24 February, 3 March 2021

First, I have to find…

Explore the art of rediscovering yourself through creative journaling! Enjoy writing, drawing, doodling and mixed media collage, inspired by Self, life events, place, journeys both real and imagined, curious findings, and imagined possibilities.

Discover ways to mindfully, playfully and poetically connect to yourself and others, developing creative expression, confidence and reflective insight. Have fun transforming worries, everyday nonsense and challenging goings on, with diary, drawings and drama, creating your very own, less than perfect, unique journal pages.

- Enrol in advance for 6 week Journaling project:

Writing for Wellbeing online Taster session with Christina Sanders.

Mondays 2 – 3.30pm 22nd Feb – 29th March 2021

Develop your confidence using writing and journaling to support health and wellbeing. This project will use playful, constructive and focused techniques to help you explore and use your imagination and manage your moods.

- Taster session 22nd Feb Monday 2pm – 3.30pm

Enrol in advance here for:

- 5 week project Mondays 2pm – 3.30pm 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March 2021

You can sign up to receive their monthly newsletter updates via their website:

For videos to inspire your creativity visit Creativity Works Youtube channel: creativityworks4

Creative Wellbeing Projects online and face to face supported by Creativity Works

For more information contact Philippa Forsey, Creative Wellbeing Manager, 07715 382 877

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