Stay creative, connected, learn new skills and be inspired by the world around you. Join Creativity Works on a taster session, start a new creative wellbeing course or join a creative peer-led group.
They look forward to meeting you online or face to face in friendly, fun and sociable sessions.
Free for B&NES residents. All places need to be booked in advance. See contact details below.
Overview of Creative Wellbeing Projects:
Creative Sketchbooks - taster session 17th August 1.15pm – 3pm outdoor session with Karen George and the Get Creative group at Alexandra Park, Bath
Explore mark making and textures inspired by natural forms. Bring pencils, pens, paper
To book a place contact: karen@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07517 110612 or
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3Ac1Za4
Two Mindful Walks: Keynsham High Street Explorations Project: 24th August with Adrian Wyatt
Morning session: 10am – 12 noon - Meet at Temple Canteen, High Street, Keynsham.
To confirm your Free place on the morning Mindful Photography event please book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3f3LlRC
Afternoon session: 1pm – 3pm – Meet at Temple Canteen, High Street, Keynsham. This is for those less mobile and will take in two close locations.
To confirm your Free place on the afternoon Mindful Photography short walk event please book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3BP2vMO
Creative Sketchbooks – 4-week course with Karen George and the Get Creative group
Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3pm 21st, 28th September, 5th and 12th October, The Hub, Foxhill and livestreamed online for those that can’t make face to face.
Explore patterns in nature using a range of different materials and techniques.
To book contact: karen@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07517 110612 or
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3jk6I2I
Wellbeing Wanderers – Snap and Stroll - 6-week course
Wednesdays 2 – 4pm starting 29th September, Creativity Works in partnership with Bath Preservation Trust
Come and explore Beckford’s Landscape and find out more about Beckford’s Tower. Bring your phone or camera to create images of the landscape. Wear outdoor clothing.
Contact Jaq: jaq@creativityworks.org.uk 07912 880056
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3ChwZHq
Writing For Wellbeing – 4-week online course – Mondays 2 – 4pm Taster 4th October
4-week course: 18th, 25th Oct, 1st, 8th Nov
Contact karen@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07517 110612
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3lvo7YJ
Creative Peer-led Groups
Run by members for the members and usually meet weekly
Writing Space – Tuesdays 2pm - 3.30pm
This friendly group meet indoors in central Bath and online via zoom on alternate weeks.
For people of all writing skills. This is a sociable group who enjoy fun sessions to develop and share ideas. Each session is led with many suggestions to inspire you.
You can receive the Writing Space newsletter if you can’t make the sessions.
Contact Karen: karen@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07517 110612
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3xzqQTD
Get Creative art group - Tuesdays 1.30pm – 3pm
Meeting at The Hub, Foxhill, Bath, and meet us online if you cannot make it to the venue.
We explore different art techniques, develop new skills and plan sessions together. Facilitated by Creativity Works volunteers and occasional visiting artists.
Booking essential: Contact Karen: karen@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07517 110612 Sign up and book through this online survey link: https://conta.cc/2WMdUwG
Keynsham Snap & Stroll – 10am to 12 noon 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
No experience necessary or fancy camera required! Bring camera or phone, appropriate clothing for weather and an open mind, meet new people and enjoy snapping and strolling
A local wellbeing photography group explore in and around Keynsham and further afield. This friendly group offers opportunities to discover new ways of seeing.
Meet at Keynsham Memorial Park. Supported by Bath Mind Contact Becky 07538 113 890
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3u7PtW1
Keynsham Snap & Stay - 10am – 12 noon 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Meet at One Community Trust staying in one locality – suitable for anyone less able to walk.
Sign up and book through this online Survey link: https://conta.cc/3iWLQ17
Contact Creativity Works karen@creativityworks.org.uk or Supported by Bath Mind contact Becky 07538 113890
Happy Snappers - Thursday mornings 11am to 1pm.
A small gathering of people enjoying a gentle walk, exploring various interesting spots in and around Bath. No experience necessary or fancy camera required! An upbeat and laid-back supportive group. Meet at St. Andrews Church, Foxhill.
Supported by Bath Mind – to book contact Becky 07538 113 890
Book in advance essential:
Contact Karen karen@creativityworks.org.uk 07517 110612 or
Philippa 07715 382 877philippa@creativityworks.org.uk
or for enquiries via AWP services Jaq: jaq@creativityworks.org.uk Phone: 07921 880056 or Becky at Bath Mind 07538 113890
You can view Creativity Work's activities and events calendar here