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Free and Subsidised Training for Small Charities

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

EDIT: The FSI has sadly announced that it will be formally winding up the charity this Spring 2023. Remaining training events will go ahead as planned.

The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI)* offers a range of training opportunities to support the skill sets of smaller charities, and to ensure they have the skills and training they need, not only to sustain themselves, but to thrive.

Ranging from full day and half day courses, to short 60 minute webinars, a wide range of topics and skills are covered including fundraising, impact measurement, governance and project management.

The FSI's extensive charity training programme is heavily subsidised at £25 for a full-day training course (their full and half-day courses have an average market value of £175 to £300) and £7.50 for a 90 minute webinar. 30 minute webinars are delivered for free.

In order to access FSI's training and support, charities with an annual turnover of less than £1 million can become an FSI member for free. Organisations with an annual turnover between £1 million and £5 million can now obtain an Associate Membership for free, and access the same full suite of training and learning programme.

A new initiative recently launched by The FSI is their Quarterly Big Advice Day, which offers members a chance to speak to a specialist advisor for free, on whatever topic they need. The next Quarterly Big Advice Day will be held on Friday 31st March.

The FSI also offer a Charity Advice Hub, where member queries are matched to volunteer advisors for specific issues. They also hold annual Fundraising and Skills Conferences. Find out more about the services and support on offer here -

*The FSI is a registered charity that supports the UK's vibrant small charity sector through the delivery of free advice and heavily subsidised training in strategy, governance, fundraising and impact. They also deliver bespoke consultancy and training packages.

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