This free 90-minute workshop for practitioners working with families offers a new inclusive family approach to learning about money. The approach supports children aged 3-7 with a focus on diverse needs, including autism spectrum disorders and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
No specialist knowledge is needed to attend any workshop running up to December 2023
The training is funded by the Money and Pensions Service and delivered by Campaign for Learning.
By attending you will:
Learn how to deliver an inclusive, differentiated and accessible financial education programme through rich learning experiences using Makaton, sensory icons, storytelling, songs, games and family activities
Receive all the resources and tools you need to deliver the activities including facilitator’s guide, multimedia content, session plans and certificates
Find out more and book your funded place: https://www.campaign-for-learning.org.uk/Web/CFL/Events/Inclusive_FinEd.aspx
100% of practitioners would recommend this training to a colleague.
