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HITZ returns

HITZ provides young people with qualifications and enrichment opportunities to support them to get back on track and develop the life skills needed. The classrooms are very different and allow us to teach in a learner centred way, the learners participate in a wide variety of sports (not just rugby!), visit local areas and gain qualifications in Sports and Employability.

During enrichment opportunities they use a range of experiences to support the young people to develop confidence, self-esteem, healthy living and development for the next step. To support with the development of these life skills we use sports, music, food, animals, visits from local businesses and community engagement.

This year HITZ are running three courses delivered through their educational partners SCL. In January they will be opening their enrolment for young people onto one of the following three courses:

NCFE Level 2 Sports Coaching BTCE Level 1 Sport and Active Leisure Level 2 Employability

If you have any young people who would be interested in enrolling in one of the courses, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Mia Suter via

For future reference we will open recruitment again in September 2021.

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