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Launch of Keynsham Abbey website

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

In October 2021 BHAS (Keynsham Abbey Working Group) received funding from Love Your Park Community Fund (a new fund launched in July 2021 by Your Park Bristol and Bath). Part of this funding was for the development and launch of a website featuring Keynsham Abbey, its history, archaeology and current events at the Abbey remains located in Keynsham Memorial Park.

They are pleased to announce that a website has now been created and launched. The site can be found at:

Please do explore the site. You will see that there is room to add information in the form of future events listings and also in the form of blogs which can explore specific aspects of the Abbey’s history and archaeology or showcase recent events.

The remainder of the funding from Love Your Park Community Fund is for the creation of a new sign located at the Abbey remains and for additional medieval planting.

They expect to be able to give further information on the rest of the project within the next few months.

BHAS, Keynsham Abbey Working Group

03.01.2022 web-site screenshot

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