Do you have the key to help Swan Transport get people moving again?
Swan Transport has been operating since 2001 and provides friendly and cost-effective transport solutions for people on low income who are unable to use conventional public transport in Bath & North East Somerset.
If you have use of a car and a little or a lot of spare time please consider becoming a volunteer driver with Swan, it is a very rewarding role and could help further your career or give you that feel good factor by doing something positive in your community. Whatever time you give will be valued, mileage expenses, training and support are provided and ongoing. Swan is following the latest guidelines from the NHS, Government and the Community Transport Association to keep everyone safe.
Sarah Oughton-Swan Transport’s Coordinator said ‘As we start to get back to ‘the new normal’ Swan needs volunteer drivers to come forward to help get people out and about again. For many of our passengers this is the first time they have ventured out since being in lockdown in March. Our volunteer drivers are essential to enable people to access the services they need in the community for their health and well-being and prevent further isolation in this new landscape. This is a crucial time for our older and disabled passengers, we need new drivers to come forward and help us to get people moving and going out again.’
If you think you can help Swan or just want to find out more about how we are operating please ring Sarah or Ann on 01761 439548 or email swan.transport@btconnect.com Swan Transport is part of Swan Advice Network - Charity number 1141396. Co No 6883950.