In celebration of Volunteers' Week, we are shining a spotlight on the incredible volunteers helping communities and charities across Bath & North East Somerset. In order to champion the contribution of our volunteers, and give recognition for all they do, 3SG has spoken to several local volunteers to hear their stories. Each day over Volunteers' Week (June 3rd - 9th), we will be sharing a unique volunteer story.
On behalf of all charities, community groups and Third Sector organisations of Bath & North East Somerset - Thank You to all those who give up their time to volunteer. We hope by sharing these spotlights, we can highlight your efforts and inspire others to get involved.
As we near the end of Volunteers' Week 2024, we're wrapping up our spotlights with one last story from local volunteer, Helen. Helen describes herself as a "retired lady with a passion for literacy and a love of children". She is currently volunteering for RSVP West, where she gets to use her passion for good, by supporting young children with their reading at Twerton Infant School.
What motivates you to volunteer?
A wish to give back to my local society; a sense of satisfaction in doing something that I know makes a real difference to reading attainment in young children and hence overall academic achievement in primary school and beyond.
What have you learnt from your experiences?
That even the most reluctant reader can be persuaded that books are fun! That you can never predict what a 6 year old will say! That all children blossom and gain in self confidence when given well-earned praise for effort, and that, despite all the modern technology, young children still love a hand held book shared with them :)
Have there been any stand alone moments or stories from your volunteering that you'd like to share?
A reluctant reader who turned as he was heading back into class and said " I really enjoyed reading with you, can we read again next week?"
What advice would you give to someone looking to start volunteering?
Give it a go, don't worry about not doing it right, people will help you if you get stuck. It gives back way more to you in personal satisfaction than the time you give to it.
What is your favourite thing about volunteering?
The feeling that I am making a difference for the children I read with.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
The B&NES Community Volunteer Service (https://bathneshealthandcare.nhs.uk/wellness-community-volunteer-services/become-a-volunteer/ ) (run by HCRG) holds weekly drop in sessions at local libraries, as well as virtual 1-2-1’s.
Upcoming drop in sessions:
Bath Library Thursdays at 10-12pm: 4th July
Midsomer Norton Library Wednesdays at 10-12pm: 26th June and 31st July
Keynsham Library Mondays 10-12pm: 24th June and 29th July
To book a virtual appointment to discuss your volunteering interests with an advisor, please call the team on 0300 247 0050 or email bathnes.volunteerservices@hcrgcaregroup.com
You can also subscribe to 3SG's monthly Community Newsletter, and 3SG's Volunteer Whatsapp group, to be kept up to date with new, local volunteer opportunities, on a monthly basis.
Check out our Volunteer page for more information, and where else to find opportunities.