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Work placement for Mums

Achieve in B&NES has partnered with the Women’s Work Lab to provide a free bath based 12-week employability course with guaranteed work placement for Mums. If you're a Mum then you can apply here. They're also looking for organisations willing to take on a Mum for an unpaid work placement in June (see details below to get in touch).

Women’s Work Lab have plans for three programmes in Bath in 2021 in partnership with B&NES Council. Training is taking place at the Hub, Mulberry Park (for four weeks) and then they are looking to work with Bath based employers who may be interested in taking a Mum on for a work placement in June.

The placements are four weeks and for 15 hours during school hours (usually Tues/Weds/Thurs 9.30-2.30) in an entry level type role. Often employers do rotating placements so Mums can find out different things about an organisation (this can work particularly well).

You can view Women's Work Lab's 2020 Impact Report here, which gives you more information.

Any interested organisations please contact the Achieve in B&NES team: Achieve@BATHNES.GOV.UK

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