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Spotlight on 3SG's Trustees - Q&A with Kate, Jenny and Claire

Writer's picture: Emma HuggillEmma Huggill

We can't celebrate *Trustees' Week 2023 without a spotlight or two on our own Trustee board here at 3SG. And what an amazing board they are! All our Trustees are part of at least one of our member organisations at 3SG, and so are able to represent the views of the local Third Sector, whilst providing great insight and sitting on many strategic boards and networks. We are very lucky to have them!

In aid of Trustees' Week, Emma (Operations and Content Coordinator at 3SG) chatted to three of our Trustees to find out a bit more about their experiences as a 3SG Trustee, including their motivations, and advice for those considering trusteeship.

Thank you to Kate Morton, CEO of Bath Mind and Chair of Trustees at 3SG; Jenny Perez, Trustee at Somer Valley Tennis, and 3SG; and Claire Bloor, CEO of SARSAS, and 3SG Trustee. Kate, Jenny and Claire have all been Trustee's of 3SG for over two years.

Q&A with Kate, Jenny and Claire

What motivated you to become a 3SG trustee?

KM: I'm passionate about improving the voice for third sector organisations and ensuring we are at forefront of planning and delivery of community services

JP: I really like what 3SG do and being a Trustee you feel like you can be part of helping multiple organisations as 3SG is in contact with so many great third sector groups in BANES

CB: Being part of a wide network membership body that has such a positive impact on the local BANES community.

What is it like to be a trustee?

KM: Great community of likeminded individuals with same passion and drive to improve experiences for people we work with, busy but rewarding

JP: It's rewarding and it's fun, we have a great group of Trustees and it's always great to be part of the meetings and we have great socials too !

CB: Interesting and engaging.

Does being a trustee add to your own personal and professional development? If so, how?

KM: Yes, it enhances and strengthens our position

JP: Absolutely, by being a Trustee I learn a lot about the local landscape and hear about initiatives I wouldn't ordinarily come into contact with. I also learn from my fellow Trustees and he fantastic 3SG team.

CB: Yes. Governance is such an important aspect of running a charity and it is very interesting to be on the trustee side. It helps me develop as a leader.

What is your favourite thing about being a trustee?

KM: Connectivity

JP: I feel we are really united as a Board of Trustees and I feel that everybody has a voice - which is super important.

CB: I love to hear about the collaborative work that is supported through 3SG and the inspirational work of our member organisations.

What do you think are the biggest challenges acting trustees and how can we support you/them?

KM: Time /capacity creating potential conflict with roles

JP: The current climate is challenging, cost of living and the fall out from Covid - as Trustees we have to make the best decisions with the information we have as we can't predict the future. 3SG can help arm us with that information and also share case studies of other local charities as well as offer support.

CB: Trying to remain sustainable in the current economic climate and supporting/ retaining staff and volunteers. I think 3SG support member trustees through offering funding information and demonstrating the impact of members work

What advice would you give someone considering becoming a trustee?

KM: Ask trustees for advice, you are not alone, the group are amazing! It is a marathon and not a sprint!

JP: Definitely consider it, every charity is different and you need to ensure the fit is right for you - you learn a lot, and it feels really good supporting a local organisation which has such great outcomes.

CB: Do it! It is incredibly rewarding and a brilliant learning experience. You get to work with a great team of fellow trustees and staff within the social enterprise or charity you are working alongside.

Do you have a standout moment during your time as a 3SG trustee?

KM: Loved the trustee awayday such great energy, recruiting Becky and the Xmas party!

JP: Ha ! That is a tricky one to answer - I think watching great key members of 3SG leave and then utterly brilliant people come in and take the organisation on, using their strengths has been wonderful to see - I think the Trustees have been supportive and this has helped make 3SG even stronger.

Thank you to Kate, Jenny and Claire for taking the time to chat and share their experiences. You can find out more about all of our Trustees here.

*Trustees make significant contributions to the charities they support, but their work often happens behind closed doors. Trustees' Week is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the wonderful variety of individuals who make up our Trustee boards, and thank them for their dedication and guidance. You can read more about Trustees' Week 2023 and find out how to get involved here.

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