Improving Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People Digital Conference
Tue, 21 Feb
|Virtual Event
The challenges facing autistic adults or adults with learning disabilities are vast and pressures are mounting. At this crucial time, we are pleased to announce our Improving Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People Digital Conference.

Time & Location
21 Feb 2023, 09:15 – 13:30
Virtual Event
About the Event
“Our ultimate goal is that, across England, people with a learning disability and autistic people are equal citizens able to fulfil their potential. They are supported to live full lives in their community, in their home, with access to the care that is right for them, when and where they need it. Just like everyone else” *
The challenges facing autistic adults or adults with learning disabilities are vast and pressures are mounting. At this crucial time, we are pleased to announce our Improving Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People Digital Conference. With a particular focus on community-based services, we will address the priorities to improve support to enable people with learning disabilities or autistic people to live fulfilled and independent lives.
Recent policy, including the Building the Right Support Action Plan, and proposals to the Mental Health Act, reaffirms the importance of good quality services in improving quality of life for autistic people or adults with learning difficulties.
Key commitments include:
- Reducing the number of people with a learning disability or autism in inpatient care by 50% by March 2024
- Proposed new duties on commissioners to ensure adequate community-based services
- Improved monitoring for the risk of crisis at a local level
- Speeding up the discharge process, with an additional targeted funding of £90m in 2022-23.
We will cover the government plans to reduce reliance on mental health inpatient care and ensure people can live independently in their communities. You will gain insights on funding and where investment should be targeted to best support people. You will hear best practice guidance to help you to provide meaningful, accessible, person-centred services.
Bringing together government, public services and charities, this half day digital conference will be an opportunity for sectors to come together, share insights, network, and strengthen the support network for adults with learning disabilities and autistic people. You will learn from leaders who have produced successful initiatives to create accessible and visible services for all. Crucially, you will hear from experts by lived experience, and how your services can be more valuable to those they serve.
* Department of Health and Social Care, August 2022
Key Points- Government plans to reduce the number of people with learning disabilities or autistic people in Inpatient Care Services
- Avoiding unnecessary inpatient admissions
- Ensuring services are accessible and inclusive, including digital services
- Funding and investment for community care
- Co–production: the importance of lived experience in service design
- Supporting the families and carers of autistic people or people with learning disabilities
- Supporting people with the Cost-of-Living crisis
- Facilitating independent living for people with learning disabilities or autism
Senior leaders and practitioners involved in the development and delivery of services for adults with learning disabilities or autistic people, including colleagues from:
- Local Authorities
- Health and Social Care
- Supported Housing
- Employment and Training Providers
- Benefits and Financial Inclusion Teams
- Legal Sector
- Third Sector
- Broadcast live
- Interactive digital platform
- Online networking
- Virtual polls and Q&A
- Recordings on demand for 14 days
This event is ticketed. Rates are as follows:
Public Sector - £265 plus VAT
- Central Government - £295 plus VAT
- Private Sector - £325 plus VAT
- Registered Charities/Concessionary rate - £250 plus VAT
Pay online by credit card to receive a 10% discount.