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BaNES Enhanced Medical Services

BaNES Enhanced Medical Services

Brief Description of Organisation

BEMS is a GP Federation, and local not-for-profit organisation, that works across the community to improve patient care by providing high quality community based clinical services and by linking together local General Practices to help develop and provide those services.

Full Description of Organisation

BaNES Enhanced Medical Services (BEMS+) is a GP Federation, and local not-for-profit organisation, that works across the community to improve patient care by providing high quality community based clinical services and by linking together local General Practices to help develop and provide those services. We were formed in 2004 when the three local Out-of-Hours GP services combined. We are based in the local community and owned by our members who include local GPs, Practice Managers, our staff, patients, and the public.


We provide a wide range of community services during weekdays, evenings, and weekends, and since the formation of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) , we have started employing some additional staff roles on behalf of practices to help with their increasing workload.


We work alongside and partner with many local organisations such as the Royal United Hospital to provide an urgent care service co-located with the Emergency Department. With BaNES, Wiltshire, and Swindon Integrated Care Board to provide training and education for primary care staff, as well as helping facilitate student placements. We also work with local providers of healthcare services in BaNES to redesign services to better meet the needs of our local community.

BaNES Enhanced Medical Services

Brief Description of Organisation

BEMS is a GP Federation, and local not-for-profit organisation, that works across the community to improve patient care by providing high quality community based clinical services and by linking together local General Practices to help develop and provide those services.

BaNES Enhanced Medical Services
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