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Blue Coat School Foundation

Blue Coat School Foundation

Brief Description of Organisation

Grant giving organisation sent up to benefit individuals who have attended CofE VS schools in the area of benefit and the schools in the area as well as considering supporting capital projects of the schools.

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Full Description of Organisation

The BCSF was set up to benefit/provide:


  • the area covered by the City of Bath together with the parishes of Bathampton, Batheaston, Charlcombe, Claverton, Combe Hay, Englishcombe, Kelston, Monkton Combe, Newton St Loe, South Stoke and Swainswick;

  • the special benefits of any kind not normally provided by the local education authority for any Church of England Voluntary School in the area as agreed between the Trustees and the Governors of the schools concerned; and

  • promotion of education (including social and physical training) of persons under the age of 25 who have at any time attended a CofE VS in the area of benefit and who are in need of financial assistance and in particular of the two areas below.

  1. In awarding such persons scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, maintenance allowances of grants tenable at any school, university, college of education or other institution of further education approved by the Trustees; and

  2. In providing financial assistance, outfits, clothing, tools, instruments or books to assist such persons to pursue their education (including music and the arts), to undertake travel in further of, or to prepare for or enter a profession, trade, occupation or service on leaving school, university, or other education establishment.

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Blue Coat School Foundation

Brief Description of Organisation

Grant giving organisation sent up to benefit individuals who have attended CofE VS schools in the area of benefit and the schools in the area as well as considering supporting capital projects of the schools.

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Blue Coat School Foundation
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