Full Description of Organisation
We offer supported housing to males only who are over 25.
We are able to give advice on employability, benefit claims, education and training, as well as many other factors that can assist in resettling back into the community - we do not house those who have
been convicted of sexual offences or carry any history of arson
We are a no nonsense organisation which deal with the real facts and problems arising from leaving custody and entering a community. The charity is committed in working to reduce
re-offending and promote safer communities,
Prevention of future victims is at the heart of the work of the charity.
PEOPLE also work with a local specialist school where we facilitate young post 16 adults
with the means to gain knowledge of working in a retail environment.
This is a great opportunity for pupils to see what life may be like after leaving school, this also
provides valuable social interactions with members of the public and gives pupils opportunity
to work alongside staff and charity volunteers