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Brief Description of Organisation

Reason is a Bath based charity giving support and help to reduce harm from problematic behaviours, particularly in the area of alcohol, gambling and drugs. We offer an accessible and confidential service to those living in Bath and North East Somerset and the surrounding areas.

Full Description of Organisation

Reason is a Bath based charity giving support and help to reduce harm from problematic behaviours, particularly in the area of alcohol, gambling and drugs. We offer an accessible and confidential service to those living in Bath and North East Somerset and the surrounding areas.

Regardless of any label that has been put upon you, Reason does not give labels. We believe everybody is capable of positive change. We are here to support and encourage your desire to change and to help you focus on the benefits of that change.

Reason concentrates on offering one-to-one sessions to promote change in the way an individual uses alcohol, drugs or gambling. After contact has been made either by phone or email, an initial appointment will be scheduled during which you will have a chance to get to know us and assess whether Reason might be the right fit for you. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, we offer 1:1 sessions online (e.g. via videochat or telephone).

If you decide to engage with us, you will be offered up to 6 sessions with the possibility of extending further if of benefit to you. We wish to provide you with the support and help that you think you will need. The sessions will be designed collaboratively and will include planning for how to best achieve your goals (reduction or abstinence).

As Reason is an independent charity, you will be asked to make a contribution towards each session. In certain circumstances, we can discuss financial aid for attending the sessions.


Brief Description of Organisation

Reason is a Bath based charity giving support and help to reduce harm from problematic behaviours, particularly in the area of alcohol, gambling and drugs. We offer an accessible and confidential service to those living in Bath and North East Somerset and the surrounding areas.

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