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Small Stuff Baby Bank

Small Stuff Baby Bank

Brief Description of Organisation

Small Stuff Baby Bank is a community organisation run by volunteers. We receive donations of children's clothes, toys and equipment and pass them onto local families who need them. We aim to support local families in need while encouraging a re-use culture.

Full Description of Organisation

Small Stuff Baby Bank is a community organisation run by volunteers. We receive donations of children's clothes, toys and equipment and pass them onto local families who need them. We aim to support local families in need while encouraging a re-use culture.


Many of the families we support need our ongoing support and many become involved in running the baby bank. We provide a warm and welcoming environmentfor volunteers to providetheir time and ideas to supporting their local community. 


As well as the main duties of the baby/children's bank, we also provide and manage a platform on Facebook for our 1.5k plus members to swap and request items directly. Signposting families towards other services they may need, such as domestic abuse organisations, financial advice charities, foodbanks and other baby banks, is also a key part of what we do. We aim to provide an inclusive environment where familes and carers can obtain items they need for the children in their care, while providing an avenue to donate items to us, once they are no longer needed. There are no conditions, such as means testing or donating or returning items attached to accessing our service.

Small Stuff Baby Bank

Brief Description of Organisation

Small Stuff Baby Bank is a community organisation run by volunteers. We receive donations of children's clothes, toys and equipment and pass them onto local families who need them. We aim to support local families in need while encouraging a re-use culture.

Small Stuff Baby Bank
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