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Sound Vision

Sound Vision

Brief Description of Organisation

Sound Vision - Empowering Voices Less Heard.

Full Description of Organisation

Sound Vision is the working name for the Somer Valley Education Trust CIO (Charity No 1172980)


Sound Vision is a dynamic force for change that drives social mobility, equal opportunity and supporting marginalised groups. We link people across social, racial, gender orientation, and generational divides. Our mission is to improve lives, communities and society, through inclusive training that builds confidence, self-esteem & soft skills, helping mental wellbeing by encouraging creativity in a non-prejudicial safe space. Sound Vision achieves these outcomes by delivering training programmes that develop communications, media, and music skills. Certificated qualifications include NCFE and Arts Awards. Our programmes include studio learning, SEND training, Alternative Provision for schools and workshops led by industry professionals.

Sound Vision

Brief Description of Organisation

Sound Vision - Empowering Voices Less Heard.

Sound Vision
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